The Bear Minimum

I am BACK again after a little summer hibernation, excited to bring you some perspective and a BANGIN TV show recommendation.

For the newbies on the block, my AHA💡Moments are all about giving you that ever-valuable ahhhhhhaaaaa, what a good point, damn that applies to my life and the oh I never thought of it that way.

For the OGs who have enjoyed almost a year of AHA💡Moments, I am officially back to give you that weekly dose of inspiration/ perspective!

Today I am going to be talking about some perspectives I gained from the TV show “The Bear”!

The Bear is all about the ups and downs of restaurants and fine dining, intertwined with the ups and downs of life. You can expect loads of symbolism, beautiful character progression, and a mix of laughter and sadness. Just like life, working in a restaurant can feel like a roller coaster of emotion and The Bear portrays that connection beautifully.

“The Bear” is currently streaming on Disney, with 3 seasons available to crush on any rainy summer days we have ahead. So I hope you give it a shot and enjoy it.

If you have already seen The Bear please please please reply to this email, I want to hear what you love about it!

Anyways on to my AHA💡Moment “The Bear Minimum”

Here is today’s message in a nut shell… Doing the bare minimum won’t cut it.

When do people often do the bare minimum?

They do it in 2 distinct circumstances…

1) When they don’t really care.

2) When they are scared to put everything into something and fail.

The show “The Bear” illustrates these notions perfectly through a fictional yet accurate depiction of the restaurant ecosystem. When people don’t care they screw up, screw others over and things crumble. When people are scared to try their hardest for fear of failure, they lower expectations, cling to how they have always done things, and blame external factors for their shortcomings. In either case, the restaurant can’t reach its potential and neither can the people in it.

So where are you at in life? Let’s take some inventory.

Are you currently doing the bare minimum somewhere?

If you are currently doing anything in your life half-assed, or with little care and consideration, maybe it’s time to move on and spend that time on something that really matters to you.

Conversely, if you are doing the bare minimum with something because you are scared to put a lot of time in and fail, (this is why most people don’t stick to healthier lifestyles) then it is time to finally let that go and take a chance on yourself.

Restaurants fail all the time, and when they succeed it is only because of true dedication and perseverance. It takes making mistakes, making adjustments, and making the decision to still show up the next day.

If you ask anyone who has ever pursued something, especially people who work in settings like restaurants, they will always tell you the best and worst part of it all is the journey. The outcome, whether a failure or success, mattered a lot less than they originally thought it would.

Maybe that is why I have always admired restaurants and the people who work in them. Great restaurants are pursuing their passion for serving others, they are striving for excellence every day. They really give a shit, because otherwise why would they work in such a TOUGH and TENSE environment, they could quite easily be on the other side eating the food and enjoying the atmosphere, but instead, they are creating it.

So why are you not in service to yourself?

Why are you waiting for an opportunity to be served to you?

Cut out the crap that doesn’t matter and go create the opportunity and the life you actually want.

Stop doing the bare minimum, every second counts,



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