Positivity, Optimism & Good Mayo

What if I told you, that you could control your thoughts?

and what if I told you, that you could get rid of all the negativity in your head and just think happy and hopeful thoughts like this positive little penguin?

Damn, wouldn’t that be nice?

Look at this little guy, not a care in the world.

Unfortunately, I can’t tell you how to remove all the negative thoughts from your brain. They are important because they are meant to caution us and slow us down so that we consider all potential outcomes. They are here to protect us.

However, sometimes they rule our igloo (aka our brains).

We can’t shut them off, we only consider the worst outcomes and usually, when we dwell they create FEAR.

One of my favourite rappers right now literally has a lyric that says:

“Don’t dwell, that will make it a phobia”

Queue finger-snapping at the poetry slam)

So what do we do about it?

What if we could control our thoughts like I said rather than remove the bad ones?

Do you remember the last time you stepped up when you thought you couldn’t?

Or the last time someone brought home surprise takeout from your favourite restaurant and you immediately perked up?

What about the first time you tasted avocado mayonnaise and you thought WOW there must actually be a God? (Sorry that one might just be for me, currently waiting for Costco to get more of this, it’s SO FRIGGIN GOOD)

My point here is when we have to step up we do. When we see something that gets us excited, we perk up and when we have a new experience (like great mayonnaise), we get a little bit happier.

If you are a parent, you get this. When your child is having a bad day, what do you do? You get happy for them and console them.

As a spouse, if your partner has a bad day you show up with their favourite takeout or get them flowers and you know that will change their mood a bit, it also changes yours.

So why can’t we do that for ourselves?

… and why can’t we do that without gifts, treats or avocado mayo?

Well actually, we can.

Just like a positive thought or feeling, a negative thought or feeling doesn’t last, nor does it need to.

Sure big problems will persist, but even on your darkest day if someone shows you a video of a dog wagging its tail and smiling, you smile too.

My point is - things may change our feelings, thoughts or moods, but if that’s the case then WE must also have that same POWER to override ourselves with positivity.

Ever heard of the placebo effect? Remember when your mom used to “kiss it all better”?

That is all in your head. Just like these negative doubts are in our head, and the only reason mom can’t kiss it all better now is because we cling to logic to guide us, and we confuse letting shit go with being foolish.

When mom kissed it better, we didn’t think twice. Who cares it was better…

As an adult, when your dog meets you at the front door for a quick face lick, let yourself smile, relax and release some tension.

All days end and tomorrow is a new one, but even in this present moment, you can decide to have a fresh start if you just breathe deep and let it all go.

Unfortunately, if being a bit whimsical like this seems silly to you, then you probably have a bit of a negative habit loop going on that you picked up over the years or to protect yourself.

But is that negative outlook on life serving you?


So try this, and believe me it works the more you do it.

When a negative thought comes up… use your inner voice and say…

”Reject” and then choose a more optimistic perspective.

Have something that you can’t fix continually popping up…

reject, reject,
REJECT don’t even substitute, just get back to the present. Let the thought fade and move on.

If someone cuts you off in traffic and nothing is hurt or harmed,
REJECT your aggression, because it is a waste of energy.

Get cut off again and then get stuck in traffic?
REJECT… put on your favourite song, put on a podcast move on mentally even if your car isn’t moving anywhere.

You can’t change the situation but you CAN change your reaction. If you need a solution because this delay is actually a problem, a calmer you will make better decisions. Take that meeting you are missing from the car, phone that restaurant and order in advance. Every problem has a solution, but frustration will prevent you from finding it.

You might consider this foolish but in reality it is
what separates pessimists from optimists. Optimists choose the happier path, perspective and resulting actions.

ARE NOT your thoughts, you are your actions. Act with positive intention and watch your world lighten up.

Oh and when you have a happy positive thought, don’t find ways to doubt it to death either, just say
ACCEPT and jump into that happier moment for yourself.

Folks, what you believe you can accomplish in life is what you will accomplish.

What you believe will happen in a situation, unfortunately, has a way of manifesting itself - because YOU are driving the freaking bus. Scared of getting into an accident and slowing down too much? Well, slowing down too frequently is how someone rear-ends you.

So whose fault will that be?

REJECT the unnecessary, handle each situation with optimism, and move on to a happier outcome.

I just fell in love with avocado mayonnaise and now Costco doesn’t have it, but Linda at the store told me it might just be getting new packaging and should be back soon. So I am
CHOOSING TO ACCEPT THAT IS THE ANSWER and not believe I will never taste it again lol.

Thanks for metaphorically kissing it better Linda 🤭


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