2 Pops and A Bowl of Popcorn
Here is an A.I. depiction of little Connor eating popcorn on Friday nights watching Comedy Central. Why the A.I. chose to have me use a spoon to eat the popcorn, I will never know. But I guess she was a bit buttery back in 2002.
Back when I was a kid, my Dad had a rule. No pop or real junk food during the week, but on Friday nights I was allowed 2 pops and a whole bowl of popcorn.
My Friday nights as a kid, were GLORIOUS. I would be so excited to get my own personal party started once I got home from school.
I would start my evening at 8:00pm and the popcorn would be popped and ready by 7:59. Then I would have my two pops lined up next to me on the table in front of the TV and I was ready for my series of shows to begin.
Comedy Central was my go-to, occasionally I would dabble in Spike TV, but I would watch things Scar Tactics, Slam Ball, South Park, and the Simpsons.
And throughout the night I would consume my popcorn and 2 pops.
What I actually did was savor both and spread them out. I would have 1 pop at 8 and 1 pop at 9 so that I could enjoy them throughout my shows and the popcorn I would eat intermittently throughout the first hour of programming.
OR I WOULD SAVE IT FOR 9:00 PM- so I could eat it during South Park😍
It was pure bliss.
Any idea where I am going with this?
When things get treated as a treat, they remain as such.
That popcorn and those pops HIT differently back in the day, becuase I wasn’t allowed to have them all the time.
Just like for me today junk food like burgers, pizza, chocolate, popcorn or chips ALL taste so damn good becuase I practice the same habit.
I save them for special occasions each week, and becuase they are my treat I try to buy the best quality selections, which ends up making them taste better and that makes them a bit healthier.
So my question to you is why is it that when we become adults we throw away all of our healthy rules? Especially when as parents some of you probably instill these rules in your households for your kids?
You probably have screen time limits and encourage your kids to exercise too…
I’m just saying why do we not take our own healthy advice?
Discipline and rules create structure and long-term healthy happiness, not pain and suffering.
If your treats aren’t hitting the same maybe it’s time you took a break and saved them for your Friday night.
Hint: Try this with TV shows too. Don’t binge eat or binge your TV. Shows are WAY better when you wait a bit!
My Fridays were amazing becuase I earned them, I had to wait for my favourite foods and my favourite shows, and that’s why an average night became special for me.
Plus I never starved myself of these things, I knew I would have them eventually and the same method can be used even if you are trying to reduce your calories. Plan and save your treats.
When we have “special” every day it just ain’t special anymore.
Thanks, Dad for teaching me this impactful life lesson, but also I should take this opportunity to admit I snuck pop sometimes when I went out on my paper route during the week😈
Bring back your TGIF folks!