How Bad Do You Actually Want It

Happy New Year everyone!

Welcome back to the epiphany you didn’t know you needed aka

The AHA Moment💡

The year is now 2025 so what does that mean to you?

What year of life is it for you?

I am turning 33 in about 3 days here…

So I will tell you what that means to me.

I am getting older, but I am no less capable physically or mentally. If anything, my determination to grow mentally and physically will be the reason I continue to find ways to grow and get better in both categories.

I feel a sense of urgency becuase I believe these next 7 years will determine the rest of my life…

…and I know I am a long way away from that point where my “best” physically or mentally will start to really change. Plus I know I live differently than the average person and there is truth in the saying “Different actions = different outcomes.”

So I don’t fear others’ tales of aging. I look at Lebron James and go, yep, it’s all about the effort and care you put into your body that determines how you age.

1 million dollars a year spent on your body doesn’t hurt either in Lebron’s case, but how much do you actually spend?

I think I have told people this in the past, but I have probably spent $10,000 plus on my physical/ mental health training/education not to mention groceries, supplements, therapy, and physical treatment each year.

So how badly do you want the life, body, and happiness you claim you want?

How badly do you actually fear dying or aging poorly?

I am not here to judge you or tell you how you feel, I am here to make that lightbulb go off in your head and remind you to CARE about yourself enough to do what it takes to live your best life.

I bet this wasn’t the newsletter you thought you would be getting the first week of 2025 ☺️

Unfortunately, if I have realized anything this year, it’s that we don’t always get what we want, but we always get what we need.

Before the holidays I had a lot of different clients tell me…

“I know what I need to do, I’m just not doing it”

If this is you, then the only person that can help you is you.

If you feel like you don’t actually know what to do, or how to do it, that’s okay!

That’s why I am here.

Give me a call and let’s finally make your New Year’s Resolution stick.


This year is going to be different for both of us,



2 Pops and A Bowl of Popcorn

