Fall for Yourself

Do you remember trust falls?

At one point they were the go-to corporate team builder.

To build team cohesiveness, you would partner up, stand with your back to your partner, and let yourself fall backward.

Then you would essentially trust that the person would catch you, and they do!

At first, you feel that anxious rush of what if and then, after the catch, you both leave smiling and a bit more trusting of each other.

It’s almost comical how well it works…

But what if they didn’t catch you?

What if no one was there to catch you?

What happens then…

Well, let me tell you.

You would fall backward and with a bit of a thud, you would quickly find solid ground.

You would experience a mini shock, a bit of pain and discomfort, then you would probably curse the ground for hurting you because you have to be angry at something.

Oh and then you would slowly
pick yourself up and dust yourself off.

So if you trust the world and fall, remember every fall, even the worst ones, will end at some point.

Something will always catch you and even if that something isn’t a person, or the landing isn’t comfortable, you will find your footing and
YOU will pick yourself up again.

And each time you do it, you will get better at it and
trust yourself to be there when you fall.

It’s time to do a trust fall with yourself.

Go after that thing. Fall without fear and remember how strong you are.

That is the only way to succeed in this life.

You got this. 🤗


PS. The photo above is clickable! It’s a song I like to listen to when I journal and I wanted to share it with all of you. I hope you enjoy it.

🎶Trust Fall by Caye🎶


One Of Those Days


Shadow Self Theory