The Good Ol’ Days
Connor took a vacation folks!
After an amazing year of many milestones, I finally took a well-deserved break last weekend.
In case you are wondering where I went. I headed to Cleveland to visit these hooligans (Amanda and Justin) with my girlfriend (Clare) 🥳
There were lots of sports, games and great memories!
Now as I sat there counting down the days last week I caught myself reflecting on a recent video I watched with Alex Harmozi and a story I heard at dinner the other day.
So without further ado, here is my💡AHA Moment for you!
The video…
Involved Alex Harmozi talking about how right now you are living your own
“Good Ol’ Days”
He said every so often when life gets very busy and seems to be flying by he wakes up and pretends to be his 85-year-old self. As he does this he then imagines that at 85 he is gifted one day at his current age of 35. He then considers what his 85-year-old self would be grateful for.
He describes how at 85 he would probably appreciate his 35-year-old body, his ability to move without pain, and how energetic he felt. He describes how he would cherish waking up to his wife and appreciating how young they both were. He then said he would look at where he was in his career and remember this portion of his “climb” to success as some of the hardest and best times. His 85-year-old self would probably wake up with a sigh of relief and say “Ahhh the good old days.”
The point Alex is trying to make here is that the journey is part of the reward and the current moments you are living are in fact your future “good old days.”
Your future self will look back on these with appreciation and so should you. You still get to determine how GOOD your “good old days” are and to remember how you are using them is actually how much you are currently appreciating them.
Now on to the story…
Well, this story was something Clare’s Aunt and Uncle told me after a family dinner.
As many of you know I am an inquisitive fella so when given the opportunity I asked Clare’s Aunt and Uncle how they met. What I expected was a little tale about a cute meeting back when they were younger. What I got was pretty beautiful.
As soon as the story began the whole family jumped in. It was magical!
Everyone reminisced on the early beginnings of the partnership and how it came to be. Grandparents added little nuances to the stories, siblings shouted other side stories that coincided with the meeting and as I sat there smiling and taking everything in I paused.
They were all talking about their “good old days.”
and as I sat there at the beginning of my own relationship I thought…
I am currently writing the story of my relationship “good old days!”
Now for the record Clare and just started dating in August and it’s pretty special, but because I know she is reading this, don’t worry Clare I’m not writing my vows just yet!😂
But I did really take a step back and say wow what if I get to talk like this in 20-30 years? What do I want that to look like? How amazing would that feel?
Another quote from Alex Harmozi that I quite like is…
“If you are between 2 actions, choose the one that is the story you'd prefer to tell for the rest of your life.”
So YOU are currently in another segment of your “good old days.” Maybe it’s your 20s, maybe it’s your 50s or even your 60s…
How do you want to tell this part of your story?
What do you need to change to tell it the way you want?
2024 is a new year, is it time for a new you?
Let’s find out!
Your curious coach,
A little Epilogue…
I feel very fortunate to have friends like these two.
I feel even more fortunate that they live in a cool city that I have a blast visiting.
Amanda- is one of my few best friends from childhood. We met in grade 5, stayed friends through high school and our 20s and we are still making memories to this day. It is difficult to stay friends this long and far. It takes effort and understanding on both sides and Amanda has always made time for me and supported me no matter the distance.
Justin- is her husband and also one of my best friends. The first day I spent with him he took me downtown Cleveland to watch the Cavalier’s 2016 championship parade. He didn’t know me at all, he just knew I was important to Amanda. He spent 12 hours with me. What more can you say about a guy like that?
We have had so many good old days together guys!
I am excited to add more to the list!